Black Canary's Perch - Page 6

This story from Comics Cavalcade 25 (Feb/Mar '46) was a bit goofy even for the forties. The bad guy tries, and fails, to kill the heir to the Juke Box Club using gimmicked mailboxes, fire hydrants and streetlights. Later on his men try using guns with little success as Black Canary's taken an interest so he goes back to gimmicks after capturing them.
As to how they got out of this I can only guess Dinah had been hanging around with Hawkgirl and picked up a few pointers.
This weird occasion appears to have been the first and last time she used that particular power. Possibly because the massive flocks of black canaries that used to hang around urban centers went the way of the passenger pigeon. Or Robert Kanigher, her writer, decided it was a dumb idea. Regardless the story ends with a twist ending involving an evil twin brother who hadn't even rated a mention earlier. Fortunately Dinah returned to Flash Comics where her adventures stayed a bit more internally consistent. Which is not to say weird things didn't still happen. A case in point from Flash Comics 94 (April '48), "Corsage of Death
Reflecting the photon beam back destroyed the smasher and gave Black Canary the time she needed to get loose and track down the gang. The story ended with Dinah once again teasing Larry with a clue to her dual identity. If he ever figured it out or if she eventually had to sit him down and tell him remains vague but she certainly made it through the Golden Age with her secret intact. That's all for now. There's plenty of material left to scan when time permits.

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